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    Hey guy.Why are you let me down? I was been with you for a week. I found you aren't a normal guy. Forget it? I told you that I was fond of you casually. But i'm really repented i shit it out. Cuz the vesult is as same as i thought. We were been different just a minute. Every thing done is yours. You told me that. You're right, Everything done will be mine in the end, Doesn't you matter. You are still youself, just know me. But i just **** my life, hurt myself. Who are you? Are you a IMMORTAL? Bitch,how bloody wiht you? Fuck you! Don't just shitting me to looking after you like a little kid. That's pretty shitty bitch! Are you OK? I want to into someone's heart. Don't acting a blockbuster. I really heat blockbuster. Cuz i've never been like blockbuster. If you still acting blockbuster. Go fly a kite to some others to acting your bloody blockbuster. I don't care if you reply my messages. I don't care if you answer my invent. I can still living without you! Oh shit, you weast my two-week-time. You have to repay me. Don't you know bitch! But something makes me more shitty, maybe, everything i thought had ever been happend. Maybe i thought a lot any way. Damn.
    Someone on Windows Live

    Comments (1)

    Somei~ - Apr. 16, 2006
    What a horrible entry?