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    凌晨两点半钟被一通电话叫醒 比闹钟早了半个小时 也罢 于是便提早出门 还特意在自动售货机买了一瓶两美元的矿泉水 顶着寒风 走向第七街和E街交错的地方 第A1/2号关卡 等待8个小时后的历史时刻

    Inauguration of the 44th President and Vice President of the United State

    预先说好的4点打开关卡 结果被延迟到7点钟 实际上9点才正式打开 笔者11点才得以进入安检区内 细节我不想再过多描述 反正主旨是想表达开头句 这个活动对于华盛顿来讲绝对是一场轰轰烈烈的灾难 一点都不夸张


    华盛顿特区聚集了前所未有的数量的来自全国各地的以及像我这样的来自全球各地的人类 手机会前所未有的全部线路繁忙(并不是报纸上说的什么信号屏蔽) 我才发现原来蜂窝通信网络是这么的落后 人多并不力量大 反倒麻烦 人多的地方打不了电话 接不了电话 和别人没法联系 连911都拨不通 当时我特害怕

    让人害怕不是因为天气冷 时间长 而是因为当你站在这个位置的时候你已经别无选择的必须选择和他们一起等待天亮了 即使你再想回去 再想上厕所 各种想放弃 你也没辙 你寸步难行 包括前进和后退

    Zephry讲 这还是在安检外 要万一有人从楼顶仍个炸弹下来 那全都玩儿完 谁都跑不了

    干这行是最辛苦的 得跟正常人一样排队进入 然后还得扛个大家伙 然后还得可劲儿跟这拍 最重要的是拍完回去老板还不一定满意  满意了也不一定给你播出来




    一架一架的飞机从那飞来飞去 难怪他们有那么多飞机撞大楼事件 活该


    很不满意他们前国务卿所说的对中态度 他说曾经有一次中国飞机紧急迫降美属领土的事件

    Major problem involved, and over 13 days, we resolved it. We resolved it bacause my team and Chinese team talked each other. And i had a deal that they needed to solve the problem, and i needed to solve the problem. And i listened carefully to their needs. Economics countries has public opinions, they wants a little high light scraming on CNN. It is a dollar issue and i unerstand them.

    And when we tying to solving it, they said:"You know, you have to apologize to what happen."
    I said:"I can't apologize, we didn't cause the accident, and therefore we won't apologize."
    "You Apologize!"
    "No, we would not apologize."
    "You apologize!"

    You know, it was just like two little girls.(全场笑)

    And after about 24 hours, I gave the Chinese Department of Military a reply:"We can't apologize, but we are sorry.(全场短暂冷静之后 闷笑) We are sorry, We are sorry, We are sorry for that, and we are sorry for yout pilote, and also we feel sorry for their family. We are sorry."
    And they said:"Ohmm! Ahh!"
    And went back home and studied try to translate it better about apology, but they couldn't. So they came back and said:"Please, can you give me a little bit more?"
    I said:"Ok, we are very sorry."(全场爆笑)
    And they said:"THANK YOU!!!"

    You know that is a simple case. I understanding their needs, and they understanding my needs.

    Someone on Windows Live

    Comments (4)

    Wendi Wang - Feb. 18, 2009
    小祎 赵 - Feb. 18, 2009
    开昂 贾 - Feb. 18, 2009
    图片报道很好很即时! lol
    SNOW SNOW - Feb. 19, 2009