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3/16/2005 所有你所关心的信息(20070316更新)March 16 20:10 PM [Linden U.S. University Fair 美国大学咨询活动] Linden U.S. University Fair BEIJING 北京 Date 日期: Thursday, March 15th, 2007 Location 地点: Shangri-la Hotel Beijing, 29 Zizhuyuan Road 紫竹院路29号,香格里拉大酒店 Fair Hours 时间: 6:00-9:00 pm Local Contact 联系方式: Education Information Center, Beijing, tel.(10)-5869-6611 PRESENTATIONS 专题讲座 7:00 pm - Choosing the right university 抉择大学 7:30 pm - Insider tips from admissions officers 提示 届时将出席: Organization 组织 | Representative 代表 | Website 网站 | American International College , Massachusetts | Johanna Howland | www.aic.edu | Azusa Pacific University , Hawaii | Mary Grams | www.apu.edu | California State University - San Jose State , California | Larisa Brener | www.sjsu.edu | Chapman University , California | Seaby Rodriguez | www.chapman.edu | Fairleigh Dickinson University , New Jersey | Barbara Heissenbuttel | www.fdu.edu | Grand Valley State University , Michigan | James Crawley | www.gvsu.edu | Iowa State University of Science and Technology , Iowa | Ann Gogerty | www.iastate.edu | New York University, Tisch School of the Arts , New York | Virginia Gonzales | www.tisch.nyu.edu | Purdue University , Indiana | Susan Saberniak | www.purdue.edu www.gradschool.purdue.edu | Saginaw Valley State University , Michigan | Samuel Heikinen | www.svsu.edu | Saint Leo University , Florida | Cindy Pittsburgh | www.saintleo.edu | St. John's University , New York | Singee Li Lam | www.stjohns.edu | The Ohio State University , Ohio | Sarah Hughes | www.osu.edu | The University of Toledo , Ohio | Mark Schroeder | www.utoledo.edu | University of Northern Iowa , Iowa | Kristi Marchesani | www.uni.edu/intladm | University of Portland , Oregon | John T. Goldrick | www.up.edu | University of Rhode Island , Rhode Island | Nancy Stricklin | www.uri.edu | University of Scranton , Pennsylvania | Michelle Beatty | www.scranton.edu | University of Southern California , California | Susan Grogan Ikerd | www.usc.edu | Vanderbilt University , Tennessee | Michael Drish | www.vanderbilt.edu | Wittenberg University , Ohio | Susan Welker | www.wittenberg.edu | Linden Educational Services Feedback 首先为人大附中争光了!去过的人都知道,那照相机,那堆家长……
March 15 11:12 PM [英国牛津大学招生讲座及答疑] 时间:3月13日 19:00~21:00 地点:英国大使管文化教育处British Council 电话:65906903转294 Feedback 参加人数:~30人 介绍了一下牛津大学的背景和历史以及校园及周边环境和设施等。 然后介绍了一下往年的招生情况并对07、08年申请作了介绍。 最后有用的信息是: - A-level成绩AAA或AAB
- IB成绩38
- 高考成绩 前1%
- 雅思最低7.0最好7.5
- 即使AAA和7.5也不绝对会被录取 最后有面试 意思就是拼实力
- 去年12,650人申请 3,601人录取 录取比例1:3.5 国际学生1,814人申请
- 在中国277人申请 录取84人 录取比例1:3.3 中国的录取率是是全世界最高的
- 费用(全部为英镑)
10,360文科 11,840理科 32,700临床 ~4,500学院 >9,000生活 - 2008年入学申请时间 2007年十月、十一月
- 问题咨询:
irc@admin.ox.ac.uk 感受:牛进来的人都超级他妈耍大牌! March 11 12:28 AM [托福iBT+雅思IELTS+近期活动] 托福iBT [3月3日] Reading - Passage 1:主要描写昆虫的伪装,非为有意和无意两种,又可分颜色、形状、行为几种,结尾提问:为什么很多伪装高手还是会被吃掉?伪装有用么?
- Passage 2:主要描写戏剧的化妆,说古希腊的人在表演举行典礼之类的时候给演员化妆,后来成为了中国脸谱之类的东西,然后就现在戏剧中化妆的作用和以前有什么不同展开了讨论,现在是让演员更加想自己所表演的角色,还有是通过跨张的化妆表情来让观众推测他们的心理活动,使观众一眼就能认出来。
- Passage 3:主要描写工作效率和工业心理学的创始人。
- Passage 4(Addition):主要描写美索不达米亚文明。
- Passage 5:主要描写进化论,此文涉及两个自然实验,都分别在较短的时间内体现了进化论适者生存的规律。第一个是Guppies,天敌多的时候长得快,生命周期长,因为他们要赶在突如其来的死亡之前涨到足够的年龄已完成交配已生育后代,所以那些长得快的Guppies保留自己基因的可能性较大。而科学家将他们的天敌变少了,这些Guppies就渐渐不急着生长了,而是呈现出一代更比一代大,生命也长了的趋势。
Listening - Section 1:
(1).一个学生想去Field Trip,但是因为他去年报过了名儿每人只可去一次,不过当年他因为生病而没有去,同时也忘了跟任何人说他不去了,于是就错过良机,管理员也没什么可帮她的,的的咕咕半天最后让他到那天早上去碰碰运气,也许有人跟他一样碰到以外去不了,那么它就可以乘虚而入了。 (2).一个老教授很激动地讲授了意大利的壁画Fresco,壁画分为四个风格,这节课主要讲第2和3个风格,第一个风格是浮雕、大理石一般的效果;第二个是3D效果,画家用了很炫耀的技巧,以达到朦胧的效果,且增杰室内的亮度感;第三个是Ornate的,比较平,效果让人平静安详。 (3).北极熊,很好玩的动物。 - Section 2:
(1).学生组织了一个上演演出,需要找老师在日历上刊登点照片什么的,然后老师表扬了他所做的很多事情比如拉赞助等,然后要想演出方要照片,在下周之前把照片拿过来才能刊在校历上。 (2).讲气候变化,说研究天气变化可以用Ice Rod,并举了格陵兰的例子,还结合了洋流来讲。 (3).老奶奶用很夸张的语气讲了心理学,讲了反应时的3个范式,分别是刺激、Recognition、Choice Reaction Time,然后又举了一个例子,A拿尺子放到B的手上,然后突然松手,B凭反应抓住下落的尺子,然后看要多久时间以后才能反应过来。 Speaking - Task 1:Describe one of your challenging experience.
- Task 2:Lost.
- Task 3:通知说:从一个时候开始,成绩好的本科生就可以直接申请上研究生院的课了,还有学分(太爽了),提到校方的目的就是要鼓励学生在报考研究生的时候选择本校。对话就是两个研究生在聊,男生很不爽并说了他不爽的三个理由:小班变大班、那些本科生虽然聪明但还是会因为对课程准备不足而拖慢进度、上了研究生课的本科生也未必就会选择本校的研究生。
- Task 4:Role Distancing.有的时候人们觉得要背离一下自己固定的社会角色。举了个例子就是A小孩在跟同学玩的时候,A妈妈突然冲进来让他去洗碗,A如果顺从,则很不酷,因此A可能会小背离一下他作为儿子的角色,他可以用怪异的语调回答或者拖拖拉拉或者做做鬼脸。
- Task 5:问题:摄影协会的会长,工作忙课程多。建议:1.退位,专心搞学习;2.退课,反正不是必修
- Task 6:恐龙灭绝的原因。理论1:陨石=>遮云蔽日=>植物变少=>动物变少=>挂;理论2:全球变暖=>蛋变暖=>雌的龙变少=>失衡=>挂。
Writing - Integrated Writing:
阅读:一种叫做Zebra Mussels来自欧洲的淡水生物,繁殖能力强且吃得有多,之后随着船漂到了北美,由于到了新的地方,没有天敌所以开始暴涨,最终导致鱼类的数量暴跌。 听力:主要阐述人们不知道Zebra Mussels很容易被干掉,只需往海水里一扔就行了;还有就是他们其实是有天敌的那就是鸟,鸟可以吃很多的Zebra Mussels;还有就是由不同种类的鱼,他们生活的区域和吃的食物都不同,有些会受到负面影响,反而会出现鱼口增长的现象。 - Independent Writing:
Because people are too busy doing many things, they can do few things well. [3月4日] Reading - Passage 1:讲了动物调节散热的方法,又用羽毛或毛皮使空气Trapped从而减少热量丧失,当天气热时,毛回到下使空气流通;北极动物还有厚厚的脂肪来解决毛在冰水中失效的问题。
- Passage 2:主要描写生物的分类,藻类一直是学者们所争论的,有人按照细胞数分类,有人按形态等把褐藻单独分出,还有很到动物和植物的,最后此文尚无定论,不过现在的分类是不正确不完善的,将来会有变化。
- Passage 3(Addition):主要描写两河流域的Sumerian文化,包括起源和对上帝的信仰,还有因为遗迹较少不易研究,但是有大量的石板文字。
- Passage 4:动作和情感的关系,有学派认为行为动作决定我们产生相应的情感,然后支持者认为主要是神经的作用;反对者认为动作和情感不是一一对应的,可能出现多对一现象,总之动作不是决定情感的唯一因素。
- Passage 5:Lost.
Listening - (1).学生想在读研之前去法国打工,教授认为他可以先去当英语老师,攒够钱再去应聘,且建议她先学习好相关的课程。
- (2).主要讲地壳中三种岩石的形成和演进变化的过程。
- (3).主要讲社会学,介绍了一个定律,个人行为可能杂乱无章,但总体看来却很清晰,比如一个大城市的人口通常是第十大城市的10倍,举例说了一个电脑模拟社会,会后说由于模拟的可信度,可以通过模拟预计社会的一些趋势和变化。
Speaking - Task 1:描述一个最重要的礼物.
- Task 2:讨论你认为现代的生活比祖父母的更难了还是更加简单了。
- Task 3:一个校友来信说自己没成功是因为不会用电脑,建议学校开设电脑课。听力中女生对男生抱怨说现在电脑已经相当的普及,大家都会所以没有必要开课;而且大学不可能教会人们所有的东西,应该怪校友自己不学因此不必开课,问题是让你介绍女生的态度。
- Task 4:题目介绍了一个经济概念Sunk Costs,因为在投资中花了很多钱,最后明知投资是错的也不退出。听力中就教授举了花高价买到好球票,所以比赛那天宁可冒雨和严寒去现场也不呆在温暖的家里看电视的例子。
- Task 5:题目是两个学生想去听一堂Review on Physics,说教教授讲得很好,但男生说Cousin要来自己的新公寓,所以早上不能去,于是女生打井借给男生笔记并回答他的问题,男生感到很感谢。
- Task 6:题目说Fungus吃掉了树里的坏木,虽然让树变空壳,但也有好处,树变轻了根可以固定树是输在风暴中存活反倒使实心树太重而被刮倒、空心树吸引了动物,动物的Waste Matters作为树的养料所以Fungus对树有利。
Writing - Integrated Writing:
阅读:Fish Farming破坏了野生鱼的生存。饲养鱼生病让野生渔也感染死亡、饲养鱼的化学添加剂对人有害、饲养鱼的饲料来自对鱼的加工实际上是让人吃到的鱼少了。 听力:反驳阅读观点,野生于减少是因为商业捕捞过度而非疾病,还有就是鱼里的添加剂也有牛肉和猪肉,且鱼营养丰富、脂肪少、比其他肉更健康。最后说鱼饲料用的是人们不能吃的鱼,使可吃的鱼增加了 - Independent Writing:
In today's world, the ability to co-operate well with others is more important than before. Do you agree or disagree? [3月10日] Reading - Passage 1:关于美国草地沙漠化。
- Passage 2:美国做被子的三种方式。
Listening - (1).主要讲空气中的雾。
- (2).主要是丢ID和补ID顺便补饭卡。
- (3).一个沃兹华兹的浪漫诗篇。
Speaking - Task 1:说说100年来你认为最重要的发明.
- Task 2:说说同不同意大学教育是人生必不可少的。
Writing - Integrated Writing:
阅读:Speed Camera,可以让人养成好习惯不超速、替警察巡逻、使得地方交通法庭更有效的运作。 听力:教授驳斥阅读中观点,有人看到有限速标志就减速过了又加速还是会有危险、警察巡逻不仅仅是为了管超速还有其他比如违规变道、Speed Camera经常坏反而降低了法庭的效率。 - Independent Writing:
老师给学生自信比教授课程知识更加重要,同意还是不同意? 雅思IELTS [3月10日A类] Writing Task 2 当今生活中使用电脑和电话交流,有人说手写信将逐渐消失,同意还是不同意?给出你的看法并以适当的例子作解释。 Events - 3月12日,British Council科技咖啡馆-关于全球环境变化的讲座,蓝旗营音符妹酒吧,18:30
- 3月15日,Linden U.S. University Fairs Asia北京站,香格里拉饭店,18:00(7:00讲座)
- 3月18日,斯特拉斯大学咨询及面试会,英国大使馆文化教育处,9:30
- 3月20日,余震:英国当代艺术展,首都博物馆,5月11日止
- 3月24日,曼彻斯特大学招生面试和已录取师生见面会,建国门外大街19号中信国际大厦A座2-01C
- 3月25日,曼彻斯特大学招生面试、已录取师生见面会和已递交申请未获录取学生讲座,建国门外大街19号中信国际大厦A座2-01C
- 3月30日,曼彻斯特大学未递交申请学生见面会,建国门外大街19号中信国际大厦A座2-01C,下午
- 4月10日,巴斯大学讲座,英国大使馆文化教育处,18:30
- 4月11日,巴斯大学面试,英国大使馆文化教育处,9:30
March 03 8:30 PM [3月3日雅思机经] Listening Section1:一个女学生找搬家公司从悉尼搬家到美国,填信息和选择配对题.[V30072(1)] 1.94635550 2.Clark House 3.University Drive 4.Monday 11th 5.Thursday 14th 6.One month 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C Sction2:一个小镇因为到冬季旅客量减少影响了经济,所以要举办一个冬季文化节(Winter Festival),填空和选择题.[V30037(2)] 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.A 16.Fancy dress 17.Family ticket 18.Book in advance 19.Concert room 20.Check the website Section3:讨论一个Presentation,填空和选择题.[V30033(3)] 21.First year students 22.14th November 23.Summary 24.White board 25.Beginning 26.Read aloud 27.Plan time 28.Presentation skills 29.Filmed 30.A Section4:关于蜜蜂和黄蜂的一些学术研究, 填笔记.[V30041(4) lost] Reading Passage1:研究埃及用风筝运石头来建造金字塔[V40105(1)] Passage2:探讨关于手势的一些东西 Passage3:关于鸟的方向感及飞行时间等的研究 Writing Task1:表格题,描述1996年和2001年到伦敦旅游的外国人和英国人人数变化和不同原因的比例. Task2:Some people think that the school should select pupils according to academic ability, but others believe different abilities should educated together. To what extent do you agree or dissagree? Give your opinion with examples. 例文: For a long time, there has been arguments about whether school should or should not provide students with practical training while teaching theoretical knowledge. As to this matter I hold the opinion that it is school’s function to provide students theoretical knowledge, but not necessarily it is duty to give them practical training. It is generally considered that school is an institution which concentrate on mainly two tasks: one is cultivating people to be professional in their fields, the other is doing further research on certain aspects. These two tasks decide that school focus on theoretical knowledge, but not practical training. What is people looking for in the further education in school? Certainly it is knowledge and most probably the theoretical knowledge. If they are seeking for some practical training, why not they enter some kind of skill-training institution or just find a job, both of which are likely to give them many more chances of practical training than a school can afford. As people do not resort school to get practical training, why should university provide such training which its students would not expect? Admittedly, university students are prone to do practical work once they graduate and I am certainly for that they should know something practical about their major which means the students ought to be prepared for their future career. However, preparation does not necessarily require practical training while they are obtaining theoretical knowledge. For instance, a student of law can easily be familiar with practical affairs by the means of taking courses of practical affairs. Sometimes it is a waste of time and human labor resource to attend so-called practical training in a court. In a sentence, it is not school’s responsibility to provide practical training and it is rather meaningless for students to participate in types of practical training when time is for them to attain more theoretical knowledge. [7分] Speaking Part1: - Can you tell me something about your hometown?
- What is your favorite weather?
- What are the differences between houses and flats?
-Well, you know, it seems like there are many differences. Houses are fun but apartment are boring. Also houses are really spacious while apartment are cramped. But on the other hand, houses are too expensive but apartment are kind of expensive. Anyways, I just prefer houses, you know. - Do you like biking? What are the differences between bikes and cars?
-Yes I do. Primarily because it helps me keep health. Also biking helps us preserve the ecosystem. Most importantly, it help me make more friends. All in all, biking is amazing. - What are the most popular flowers in China? When do Chinese send flowers?
-Basically, you know, there are many popular flowers, like peonies, roses, lilies, sunflowers and chrysarthemum. Especially peonies, people are fond of them. - What do you think of rainy days?
- What are the differences between emails and letters?
-Actually, there are many differences. Emails are more convenient and more fun. Also, there are more entertaining and informative. But on the other hand letters are more romantic. Anyways, I just prefer emails. - What are your favorite outdoor activities?
-As a matter of fact, I'm very much into many outdoor activities, like hiking in the mountains, bungee jumping, skiing, jogging, riding the roller coaster. Especially... - Etc.
Part2+3: - A letter you received before
- Describe a vehicle
-Let me talk about my bike. This is my 15th birthday gift from my mum. It looks kind of beat-up, sleek. It made up of many parts, like wheels, handlebars, the saddle, the chain, brakes and pedals. Smooth as silk. Runs as fast as lightning. The performance-to-price ratio is pretty high. This bike enables me to get around very conveniently. When the traffic is tied up, I can always squeeze through the traffic on my bike. Most improtantly, when I ride my bike I can enjoy the fresh air. It has become an indispensable part of my life. Also, biking can help me keep healthy. Above all, biking help us to preserve the ecosystem. Besides, it is inexpensive. All in all, biking is amazing. This bike represents my parents' love for me. I'll do my best to love, cherish and honor it. - Describe a public event
- An occasion that you were late for
- A sports event
- A tall building
- Etc.
Ps.口语的预测命中率相当高! March 01 11:06 PM [3月3日雅思口语和作文预测(概率最高最终版)] 写作 N.B. 2月24日澳洲考题: Peo. living in the same community do not care about their neighbors. What are the causes and solutions? Note:新题,2007年雅思写作会把新题和老题混在一起,3月至少有一道新题。 可能题目: - [Families]Some peo. think children who are brought up in poor families can deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion with examples.
- [Media,Crime]Some peo. think the detailed reports of crimes should be banned in the media. Do you agree or disagree? Give your point of view.
- [Edu.,Tech.]Good hospitals and schools are available in big cities. Some peo. think all the new teachers and doctors should work in the rural area for a few yrs. To what extent do you agree? Outline your opinion.
- [Development]Some peo. think the appearance of a building is more important than its functions. To what extent so you agree? Give your opinion.
- *[Gov.]There are many wars in today's world. Some peo. think the gov. should not invest in national defense. To what extent do you agree? Give your opinion.
- [Animals]Wild animals are still not protected by humans today. What are the causes and what are your solutions? Give your answer with examples.
- *[Crime]Some peo. think criminals should be sent to prison while others think edu. and training are better. Discuss.
- [Media]Some peo. think advertising makes all the peo. look the same today. To what extent do you agree? Explain your view.
- [Globalisation,Development]International trade is increasing and we often use goods that are produced in other countries. Some peo. think this is not a good development, while others think international trade should be further developed. Discuss.
- *[Edu.]Some peo. think memorizing things through frequent repetion(rote learning)plays a key role in the educational sys. Do you agree or disagree? Give your point of view.
口语 Part 1 - Can you tell me sth. about your hometown? Is your hometown good for the young peo.?
- What is your favorite sub. at school? What are the highest-paying jobs in China?
- Which is more important in choosing a job, interest or income?
- What are your favorite clothes? Do your friends have the same tastes with your in clothes?
- *What are your favorite outdoor activities?
- What is your favorite weather?
- what are the differences between houses and flats?
- What are your favorite kind of movies? Do you prefer to watch movies in cinemas or at home?
- *What are the most popular flowers in China? When do Chinese send flowers?
- *Do you like biking? What are the differences between bikes and cars?
- Do you like traveling?
- How many lang. can you speak? Do you have any difficulty learning Eng.?
- What do you think of rainy days?
- What is your favorite kind of music? Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments?
- *Do you like birds?
- What are the most popular dances in China?
Part 2+3 - 人物:
A person who is good at something A person you care about A famous person A leader An elderly person Someone who helped you A neighbor A person who speaks a foreign language Describe two peo. from the same family A person you admire - 经历:
A city you visited before A school holiday How you spent the last weekend An interesting thing you did in your spare time recently A childhood experience An important stage in your life A big achievement A big decision A letter you received before A positive change in your life A piece of advice A sports event - 能力:
A thing you want to succeed in Something that was made by yourself A skill A special meal - 地点:
An open-air market A shop A library A hotel A tall building A room in your childhood - 故事:
Movie you watched recently A story you heard in your childhood Describe an activity in an Eng. class An interesting/useful book A gift An interesting subject - 不高兴的事:
An unhappy shopping experience An occasion that you were late for - 贵重物品:
Describe a vehicle What will you do if you have a lot of money A piece of furniture An electronic advice Your favorite clothes A piece of art or music 例子: Writing: Some peo. think criminals should be sent to prison while others think edu. and training are better. Discuss. It is universally accepted that the problem of crime is becoming increasingly serious in contemporary world. But regarding whether criminals should be sent to prison or be given some other punishments, people hold contrasting views. From my perspective, criminals should stay in the prison instead of giving any other punishment. First of all, if someone commit a crime, he or she should be brought to justice. The only way to do this is to track criminals down, and reform them in a cell. All criminals stay in cells, and they can think their wrong-doing and then rebuild their mind and soul in a right direction. Also, it is easy for management if orgernise all criminals in the prison. In the second place, if law enforcement agencies rehabilitate criminals by another way like to be a volunteer in the society, the action of the criminal will affect other law-abiding citizens, and lead them to a wrong way which will create a criminal tendency on their mind and soul. Furthermore, it will make citizens feel no longer safe in the society. On the other hand, reforming criminals in the public area is a pretty natural mathod which can give freedom, time and space for criminals to refresh their brian. To sum up, everything has advantages and also disadvantages, like a two-edged sword. On balance, I just prefer send criminals to prison to do something else as a punishement. Speaking: Etc. 各位考雅思的战友们要加油!!! February 14 1:07 PM Preparations for Writing Task 2 during March(Unconfirmed Version) - Nowadays it is difficult for university fraduates to find a job. Analyze the personal and social reasons and offer some solutions.
- University graduates receive higher salaries than those who have a lower edu. Therefore, some peo. say such stu. should pay for all their tuition fees. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
- Some peo. think that, in order to improve the quality of edu., stu. should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Other feel that this will result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. What do you think?
- Should experiments be conducted on animals for the benefit of human beings?
- Should criminals be sent to prison or should they do something else as a punishment? Explain your opinion and give reasons.
Exceptional Topics: - Technology i.e. Computers between Libraries
- Society i.e. Occupations
- Government
- Environment
2007 in China V300** New Fast=CI3 V07*** Old SLow=CI4 Exceptions V21(4) V23(4) V26(4) V30(2) V33(3) V35(1)(3) V36(1)(2)(4) V37(1) V38(3) V39(2) V40(1)(3) V30032(4) V30039(2) V30045(2) V40105(4) V40108(2) V67(3) V68 V70(3) V71(1) Additional Exceptions During March V30083(4) V34(1) V30037(3) V40012(4) V50106(1) V30061(2) V06314(3) V33(4) V30074(1) V06110(2) V30036(3) V30040(4) V30032(1) V27(2) V41(3) V30076(4) IELTS Writing Task 2: You Should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Present a wretten argument or case to an rducated non-specialist audience on the following topic: To be labelled a 'Work of Art', a painting, sculpture or other art form should display certain qualities that are unique. However, over the pase century there has been a decline in the quality of prize-winning artwork and it is now possible for quite ordinary pieces of are to be lavelled 'masterpieces' whilst true works of art pass unnoticed. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. You should write at least 250 words. You Should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with exanples and relevant evidence. 2007.2.10 IELTS Writing Task 2: Some peo. think pub. libraries are useless today because computer technology has taken thier place. Do you agree or disagree? Give your point of view. Speaking:(some of the cue cards) 1.Describe a famous person in China. 2.Describe your favorite store. 3.Describe a vehicle. 4.Describe a special meal.
vivi star - Mar. 5, 2007 首先……香格里拉就在我家前面……
其次……New York University, Tisch School of the Arts , New York。。太有诱惑力了,阿,报名是什么意思?
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