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3/7/2008 Six Days Adventure Vol.3那个时候正好是情人节 一起走了很长一段路 她虽然长得不是很好看 可就是给人感觉很舒服。 3周刊都没有买到 后来才知道是因为这是然后脱销了 每天的报纸头版全都是这事 竟然都不知道报道报道春节和抗雪灾的事 香港媒体风气很不正。 他们过年比我们要麻烦得多 巨他妈事 咱们去庙里上香也就是上个香捐点钱就完事了 他们还得找个空地 铺张报纸 跪地上 那个橘子上面插三根小香 然后拿出签筒 开始跟那摇 摇啊摇摇啊摇... 然后嘴里还跟那嘚嘚吧吧的。庙外面还挂着横铺"法輪大法好!","要幸福 快退黨 自救保平安"。 于是我突然意识到了。 这个时候是 情人节。 这个人特可爱 尤其是拍着手说 係呀係呀 的时候 崩溃了简直让人。 电视广告里突然用很标准的普通话大喊:移民香港 找XXXX 3个月办妥 费用低! 我买花的时候 一进店 店员对我很温柔地说"Hello~睇下 要買嗰個花?" 然后我说"普通话可以么?" 然后她瞪大眼睛冲我吼 "啊 说国语的呀?!"...然后他们的花还爆贵无比。 2/21/2008 Six Days Adventure Vol.2我为大家带去了福音 走到哪那里的人就会得到幸福 走到哪哪降温 然后下雪 然后刮风 竟然都会出现那件事情…… 不能赖我啊…… 哪的唐人街都比曼哈顿那个又脏又乱又差又恶心的唐人街好 没有哪个唐人街再能比曼哈顿的唐人街体现华人的"特点"了 此为波士顿 唐人街并不是一个好地方 尤其对于一个北方人来说 看到这里一点都不亲切 一点都不喜欢 他们说的所谓的中国话感觉上应该没人能听得懂 反正我听不懂 不知道这些人都是从哪里来的 很烂很没素质很讨厌 纽约的唐人街前几天有一个新春晚会 但说只是简单演几个小节目然后就开始宣传法轮功 真没意思 我寻找Pasta已经寻找了很久很久 但是就是没有找到 屁阝(ren3)了 又回到了WTC 突然发现比BOS还冷 发达城市发展到头了之后就会停滞 然后往回发展 美国现在就是这个样子我觉得 看那美元跌的 都7.1了 以后来美国上学会越来越便宜了 再说说夜店 说很烂很不现代很旧 看咱北京的 多拉风多现代多时尚 经讨论 我们一致同意美国人太死板 美国人太傲 美国人就觉得自己牛逼 外面的世界什么都不知道 我这么说美国肯定很多人都不爱听 但是我就是这么认为 维子还要继续给我补习功课哦
2/15/2008 Six Days Adventure Vol.1一直在施工的World Trade Center一直都没有变 一直都是一个大坑 一直都是白天黑夜的发出令人崩溃到不行的噪音 一直一直 一直
每天都让我睡不好 不知道是因为噪音还是因为喝了很多很多的可乐 还是因为什么 5点45分肯定能睁开眼睛 很崩溃 我在机场然后又和两个小朋友都说过:飞机上有一群来旅游的中国某个学校的学生团 They are the 土est, couldn't be 土er.
我想起了让我很习惯的 误机 乐观一点的来看 正好锻炼了打电话...各种各样的 绅士版本 土著版本 强盗版本 傻叉版本 ??版本
2月8日正好是全球最大的Gucci在325 Fifth Ave.开业 正好有一款限量发售的包包 然后正好我拿到了 谢谢谢 谢谢维子!!! 晚上我突然发现我上电视了——白天在Central Park逛荡 正在举办Winter Wonderland游园会 然后摄像机非常崩溃的拍摄到了我的下半身 然后我就崩溃了 这次又发生了 烟头满地唯我独尊 的现象——在无数根都不知道是什么牌子的头头里面 你总能够发现它的身影:中南海 崩溃了 被日了。 1/12/2008 乜都剛纔入手啊! Vol.1一切才刚刚开始。 走之前我还反复问妈妈:我一个人在外面逛游你真的放心吗? VoIP拨打世界任何一个角落的电话都需要加播加号 然后是国家代码 然后是地区代码 例如中国北京 +86106251**** 于是对方有来电显示地会出现诸如+00001111190109 或者+99998809177 之类的号码
8/27/2007 幽冥。[Vol.3 Final]
26.In the rain or under a grey sky, in a weather that imparts little light, water is water less simply. 27.When it rains, fly-like specks mass briefly on the surface of the river. As each raindrop touches the water miniscule circles form: ephemeral geometries of contact. 28.Delicate textures, fugitive structures: more elusive treasure! 29.What are you thinking about? Are you paying attention to the numbers? Maybe you won't read all of these footnotes. Maybe you'll get tired and walk away.(But there are more--more pictures, more footnotes, behind you or down the hall or in another room.) 30.What are you thinking about? Rain falling on water is so evocative.(I remember places I've never been.) 31.What are you thinking about? Rain falling on water is so alluring, so soothing. 32.What are you thinking about? Rain falling on water flattens the reflections and tranquilizes the view. 33.What are you thinking about? Rain falling on water is so alluring, so soothing and tender. The river becomes a meadow, a soft place to lie down in. 34.Watching rain fall on water calms and quiets me. I feel the space of the river changed; it becomes more a part of the things around it: a part of the weather, a part of the sky, and somehow more a part of me. 35.Black water(this water)is never sweet. Black water(this water)is cold, often frigid, sometimes cool but never tepid. Black water(this water)is hard not soft. It's brash and rough; it might irritate; it still lubricates. It's often disturbed but it's never calm, at least not simply calm. It might be fresh, but you'd never know it and I'm sure you'd never believe it. It's frequently agitated. It's always troubled. I don't think you can question that, even when it appears quiet. Black water(this water)is never serene or brilliant or clear. It's unsettled even when still. It can be deep, but it's hard to know where. Even this water is wet, but mostly in a parching way. 8/23/2007 幽冥。[Vol.2]
11.Black water isn't sexy. 12.Black water isn't sexy.(That goes to the heart of it.) 13.Black water isn't sexy. That's the difference between water and this other water; one is sexy and the other isn't. 14.Black water isn't sexy.(When I'm looking at it I often wish I was looking at something else.) 15.Black water isn't sexy.(I've had frequent malodorous encounters around it.) 16.Black water isn't sexy.(Sometimes I'm not even sure of what it is I'm looking at.) 17.Black water isn't sexy.(But isn't it common to find dark things sexy?) 18.Black water is only the idea of water. 19.Black water is only the idea of water.(I'm not talking about fantasies or dreams.) 20.The Thames is dry.(Even in the rain the water looks matted and dull.) 21.When it rains, fly-like specks mass briefly on the surface of the river. Each raindrop is pin-sized bit of darkness, A dot seeming to flit and disappear. 22.A man yet to be identified was found in the river last week. The body was lying in a fetal position on the foreshore of Upper Pool. His ankles ware bound, and the rope was attached to his waist. 23.There are so many bridges over the Thames--it's a virtual forest. It's not like any other river that way. And they're all so invitingly scaled and full of character. They're not exactly the Hoover Dam, but who can relate the Hoover Dam?--I mean, Personally speaking? When you approach the Hoover or any other five-hundred-thousand-ton mass of concrete, there's nothing but distance between you and it. Even when you're standing on it the dam's still a distant view. And forget about the Colorado River, I mean where is it? Way the hell down there.(Seven hundred and twenty-six feet down there.)you wouldn't even know there was a river if it wasn't a dam. 24.There are so many bridges over the Thames--it's a virtual forest. It's not like any other river that way. And they're all so invitingly scaled and full of character. When I walk across the river, the bridge is an extension of the water--bringing me closer to it, into a more private and solitary experience of water. I know I'm not really closer, but it feels that way. 25.There are so many bridges over the Thames--it's a virtual forest. It's not like any other river that way. And they're all so invitingly scaled and full of character. They seem to include me somehow. And when I'm on one of them the river itself seems so invitingly scaled and full of character. Whenever I approach the river I hear it saying,"Hello there. Come on in."Or,"Welcome." 8/21/2007 幽冥。[Vol.1]
1. You say water is troubled or calm. You say water is rough and restless. You say water is disturbed. You say water is quiet. Water is serene and sometimes clear, it might be pure and then it is brilliant. Water is heavy; that's a fact. Water is often calm, even placid. Water is still and then it might be deep as well. Water is cold or hot, chilly or tepid. You say water is brash or brisk, sometimes crisp. You say water is soft and hard. You say water irritates and lubricates. You say water is foul. You say water is fresh. You say water is tranquil and languorous. You say water is sweet. 2. Is water sexy? 3. Water is sexy. 4. Water is sexy. It's the power and the vulnerability of it; it's the energy and the fragility of it. 5. Water is sexy. It's the indifference of it. 6. Water is sexy.(The sensuality of it tantalizes me when I'm near it.) 7. Water is sexy.(I want to look at it. I want to touch it. I want to quench my thirst with it. I want to quench all my thirsts with it. I want to cool my body with it. I want to heat my body with it. I want to feel it all over me and around me and beyond me.) 8. Water is sexy.(I want to swin in it--to move, song-like, through it. I want to swim in it--push, kick, thrash, slide myself through it. I want to swim in it. I want to be held by it.) 9. Water is sexy.(I want to dip myself in it. I want to feel its liquid form slipping over my skin. I want to feel its liquidness washing me all over, washing all over me. I want to feel the fluid mass of it rushing among the parts of me: my hairs, my fingers, my toes, me eyes, my ears. I want to be near it. I want to immerse myself in ti. I want to feel it cooling the heat of me. I want to go deep into it; I want to go deeper still into it. I want to feel the weight of it lighten me, ease me, release me. I want it.) 10 Is water sexy? |